Jacob Gonzalez

Full Stack Java Developer

About Me

Born and raised in South San Antonio, I am web developer with a passion for automation and connecting different tech to other interests and hobbies. I took a coding bootcamp to accelerate and learn industry standards for developing web applications. I have been interested in computers since childhood. From hosting online gaming servers for different communities to now creating online web applications. Looking forward to a career where I can leverage my skills to build a bridge between technology and people to create programs that meet the needs of the end-user.



Boopr is a post-human social media platform that allows dog owners to consume adorable pet content in a social media. This project uses SpringBoop, RestAPI's, AJAX, MySQL/JPA and custom ES6 classes to generate the front end.


Vycord is a discord bot with a managed user permissions system so that commands can be written easier in single javascript classes. The goal is to make plugin creation for commands for discord easier to write and less worry about managing who can use the commands. This project uses Node.JS, Discord.js and MySQL

Stairs Game

A simple two key stair climbing game, built fron scratch using HTML5 Canvas, ES6 classes and self created assets

Coffee Menu

Using vanilla javascript, This coffee menu features a real-time searchable list of different coffees sortable by different roasts with a fuzzy search. This project features a full menu and animated HTML5 Canvas and darkmode based off your current time.
