Stairs Game

From graphics to code, this game is the first start to finish project using ES6 and classes to render and control a game using only HTML 2d canvas. No libraries were used other than Bootstrap for the website itself and all assets were created by myself.

How to play

The concept of the game is to get as high as possible up the stairs without your endurance bar reaching zero, or without making the wrong move. The challenge comes from its controls, One button will move you up in the direction you are facing, but the other button will make you change direction AND move up at the same time.

Space = Up
Ctrl = Change Direction and Up

More about the project

Game development from what I hear gets a mixed perspective, and I believe its really engaging because it presents programming problems that you don't run into in any other circumstances. Its really a good example of creativity and application, causing you to think efficently as you code. A few challenges I experienced with this is getting out of the habbit of hard coding values and rendering, and making objects I can manipulate easier. The inital setup takes some thinking but after making everything follow OOP (Object Oriented Programming), debugging was a breeze. Extending objects made a lot more sense when trying to have a templated way of getting unique properties in a new object.

I am currently being taught a lot of really good practices at CodeUp in San Antonio, (shoutout to kalypso!) and its filling in a lot of blanks as a self-taught programmer. This is right before we dive into Java where I will learn a lot more about strict rules in a lanugage as javascript tends to be loose and get away with anything. I'm excited to see where all this takes me as a developer.